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About Jade

The Chinese Jade artefacts has a history of more than five thousand years. They are characterised with traditional unique designs and wide applications, multiple varieties and colours with different hues, delicate and beautiful carvings. Consequently, these jade objects are considered to be an extraordinary type of fortunes for the chinese people and now served as a shining star in the treasure houses of art of the world.


In China since neolithic period, jade was believed to be capable of standing for the heaven, the earth, the east, the west, the south, the north and the emperors. It is a messenger between heaven and mankind. Called “YU” in chinese, written as the three horizontal strokes stringed by a central vertical stroke represent the heaven, the earth and the mankind respectively.


Hence “YU”, is always used in chinese to call something very precious and jade had always been treasured in china as the royal gemstone. Chinese people believed jade has supernatural powers, using jade wares and jade ornaments could resist invasion of evil influence and secure safety and auspiciousness.


As chinese belief, a beautiful piece of jade object can be more valuable than gold, fifteen cities and a man’s life. The themes and subjects of jade carvings make them not only beautiful objects of the art but also expressions of the chinese culture and ideals.


In ancient china, jade is considered to be a symbol of moral character, ethics and morality. The Confucianism school considered “A honoured man should have virtues of the Jade”. There was a saying, “Jade is a kind of gorgeous stone with five virtues”. It consists five morals to the five virtues of jade, that is, “humanity, righteousness, wisdom, courage and pureness”. Some Taoist followers believed that jade was edible and could keep us physically immortal, hence, they established a connection between jade and longevity.

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